The video is about the accused of assaulting staff of the store and this is the incident which was held in Delhi. Yesterday Pooja beat the staffs as we can see clearly in the video. And this video is of the Karolbagh and the incident is from the same shown store where she threatened the staffs, use slang words and she beat them too. And due to these types of incident she always become hit in the interval of the periods. As we can hear how she is using the scolding and use of the slang words. She had been doing such assaulting with the people of the hotels and the stores and we can see that she has been calling the police and the police is on the way. Likewise before this incident she had made such assault behavior in hotel and she had said that some of the staffs and the outsiders came there and teased her rather in the video it is seen clearly that she is beating them and she is scolding them in informal words. The Delhi Police with this footage is investigating upon the incident and Pooja tried to file the complaint against these people to the Delhi Police.
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